Kelsey Bell

Student Massage Therapist

Kelsey is currently in her second year of the 2,200-hour Massage Therapy Diploma program at Mount Royal University. She is excited to have the opportunity to treat clients at La Palma Spa as a Student Therapist. You may recognize Kelsey if you've been to the spa, as she has been a part of the Guest Experience team since 2023.

Kelsey has a deep knowledge of the human body and is well-versed in both relaxation and therapeutic techniques. She is expected to graduate from her program in August of 2024. Kelsey's background in social services gives her a unique perspective, which she brings into her practice. She approaches her work from a trauma-informed and client-centered point of view.

Kelsey is passionate about understanding the relationship between the mind and body, and her goal is to help clients manage stress, prevent burnout, and achieve holistic healing. Kelsey has a personal understanding of the importance of self-care, having experienced burnout in the past. This experience led her to pursue a career in Massage Therapy. She found that massage therapy was incredibly supportive, therapeutic, and helped her feel balanced both physically and mentally.

In her free time, Kelsey enjoys spending time with loved ones, including her pets. She also enjoys reading and exploring the outdoors, whether that's in Calgary or nearby. Kelsey prioritizes self-care in her daily life and hopes to help others on their own self-care journey by providing them with exceptional massage therapy treatments.